Club Galanto
The presentation page also comes equipped with 3 text areas and an infinite number of columns. The text areas are positioned above and below the columns and blog posts. They support HTML tags (including images) and [shortcodes] so you can turn the Presentation Page into your personal playground.
Just like everything else on the Presentation Page you can choose whether to use these text areas or not. You can edit them from Theme Settings » Presentation Page Settings » Text Areas.
Our community
You can also choose to show your latest posts on the Presentation page. From the theme settings you can select how many posts to show and more will be loaded via an Ajax button.
Even if you can show your latest posts on the Presentation Page, you can also use the Blog Page Template to designate another page as your primary blog posts page. While creating a new page or editing an existing one choose Blog Template as the page template and save.
For more information read all the help sections from the Theme Settings.
Gypsy Kathmas
7 Ways to Make Your Coffee Healthy
Attention Deficit Syndrome
A common occurrence. 85% of people don’t even know it applies to them. If it is found in children, parents often think it will “go away” with age. Error. It is often combined with hyperactivity. In hyperactivity, unless otherwise induced, simple carbohydrates greatly predominate. We know of many cases when,…
Health on Credit
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The Secret to Health and Longevity – Is It in Sports?
To fast or not to fast? That’s not the point
Are Our Products “Chemistry”?
Have you heard the expression that our products are “chemistry”? We hear it quite often. Naturally, people who “”know everything”” say it. And they don’t really know anything about our products. I understand them. The main method by which our products are manufactured is “cold lyophilization”. Nowadays, lyophilization (vacuum sublimation)…
How Can We Speed Up Our Metabolism?
Why Is Our Metabolism Slow?
Of course there is more!
You will find interesting articles on our club blog. You will get the opportunity and access to special materials that will facilitate the path to reaching the set goals. Think about how many people are preventing you from achieving them. We are not one of them, on the contrary - we will do everything in our power to help you succeed! We believe in you! And together we can do a lot!