Shake Formula-1
The King!
The product that is not missing in any program :), no matter the purpose!
Let’s remember: Shake Formula-1 is not a drug for weight loss, nor a food supplement!
Shake Formula-1 is… food!
Food in a cup 🙂 Well, it might as well be in a bowl. And even in a beer mug!
Few facts:
The human body has about 100 trillion cells. They all need about 114 different nutrients daily to regenerate properly and continue to exist.
In our daily diet, we often neglect our own needs, and instead of the necessary nutrients, we mainly take:
- empty calories,
- simple carbohydrates,
- animal fats,
- technological food additives (preservatives, colorings, fillers, etc.),
- too much caffeine,
- alcohol,
- medicines and
- what else not.
Shake Formula-1 is made from natural plant foods – fruits, vegetables, seeds, legumes and herbs, in our own farms with controlled production, using the cold lyophilization method.
Cold lyophilization is a process by which the water is removed from the raw plant foods with a vacuum and they acquire a dry form, after which they are pulverized.
After careful sorting and combining of the ingredients, Formula-1 is obtained – nutritional shake – meal replacement.
With it, we can easily get all the 114 nutrients our body needs in one glass!
The magic of our shakes comes from customization and a personal trainer.
A personal trainer makes the difference!
When a person wants to achieve a certain goal, and is willing to share it with us, we – the coaches:
- we measure or calculate various physical indicators,
- evaluate eating habits,
- assess current nutritional needs,
- calculate the required intake of the main nutrients and
- we recommend a diet and the products necessary for the specific person.
Products are selected according to individual needs, goals and lifestyle.
The result depends primarily on compliance with the overall nutrition program and the trainer’s recommendations.
There is nothing magical about an Herbalife shake. People don’t get their results just because they bought it or drink it every day.
The overall picture is important!
But when we can count on such a high-quality, natural organic product, with incredible nutritional qualities and wonderful flavors, we have the perfect tool to achieve any goal!

Shake Formula-1
Conclusion: A shake is worthless without a comprehensive nutrition concept and a personal trainer to guide you on the road to success, and one more thing…
- Nutrients in ordinary food have not been the same for a long time. We must know what to eat, what we really eat, how to combine it and in what quantities;
- Every person has moments when his workload comes “in excess”. When he wants to throw away everything he started. Then the support of the community and personal trainer is indispensable.
Therefore, best: combine!
- best food +
- healthy habits +
- dedicated trainer +
- our community of people who want to always be positive, eat balanced and live healthy!
Here, I will only publish the label and nutritional content of the Formula-1 Vanilla Cream shake as an illustration, the data for the other shakes are very close to it. For those looking to dig deeper, a personal trainer will provide information on all the shakes.
All shakes are gluten-free and suitable for vegetarians and vegans, and the Formula-1 Raspberry and White Chocolate shake is also soy-free.
The shakes are of the following types:
- Vanilla cream 780 g (30 servings)
- Vanilla cream 550 g (21 servings)
- Fine chocolate 550 g (21 servings)
- Strawberry delight 550 g (21 servings)
- Banana cream 550 g (21 servings)
- Coffee Latte 550 g (21 servings)
- Crunchy cookie 550 g (21 servings)
- Forest fruits 550 g (21 servings)
- Mint and chocolate 550 g (21 servings)
- Spicy apple 550 g (21 servings)
- Raspberry and white chocolate 550 g (21 servings)
Do you enjoy a shake every day? We – yes! We haven’t missed a day in the last eight years!