Protein omelet with spinach
Many of us already work from home. One of the positive things we have now is more time! More time in the morning to have a normal breakfast, sitting at the table with loved ones. Something we would normally miss due to the commute time.
The following recipe is simple, delicious and a perfect light meal.
A spicy omelet with enough vegetables and protein that we will want to eat again and again and again!
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Products required for 5 servings:
- 20 g Herbalife Nutrition Personalized Protein Powder
- 125 g of low-fat yogurt (2%)
- 4 egg whites
- 2 tbsp water
- 30 g plain flour
- 55 g frozen spinach (thawed)
- 2 tbsp white chia seeds
- 1 tsp salt
Method of preparation:
- Mix the yogurt, egg whites and water in a mixer, blender or blender. Add the flour, Herbalife Nutrition Custom Protein Powder, spinach, chia seeds, and salt and blend well until the mixture has the consistency of pancake batter (thick batter).*
- Spray a small non-stick pan or wipe it with a little oil). Heat the pan over medium-high heat.
- When the pan is hot, pour in 3 tbsp of the batter and quickly (and very carefully) spread the batter with the back of a metal spoon into a 12-14cm circle. Let the omelette cook on one side until lightly browned. Carefully turn over and cook the other side, also until slightly browned.
- When both sides are golden brown, place on kitchen paper in some container and let cool. Repeat this process with the remaining dough. Be sure to spray the pan with non-stick spray or oil before cooking a new omelet to prevent it from sticking.
* chive seeds absorb a lot of liquid: especially if you let the mixture sit! It is best to prepare the dough just before making the omelette. If the batter thickens while cooking, add a little water to thin it out. Use a tablespoon to add (be careful not to thin too much) to maintain a pancake batter-like consistency.
Nutritional value per serving**
Energy (KCal) | Protein (g) | Fat (g) | Carbohydrates (g) | Sugar (g) | Fiber (g) |
86 | 9.8 | 2.0 | 7.7 | 1.0 | 1.7 |
** Only when we follow exactly the instructions in the recipe and on the product label do we get the full nutritional values described on that label. Please remember that if the Herbalife Nutrition product is used in a heated recipe, some vitamin levels in the finished product may decrease compared to the label values.
Have you tried this recipe? It was delicious, wasn’t it? Share the results in a comment please!
Hello, the Protein omelett is very good.
I have the Formula 3 Herbalife powder, but l dont want it to put it into my Shake. Good alternative. Greetings from Monica, Switzerland, tastes delicious.