Do you quench your thirst with Coca-Cola?
A woman made a real experiment with herself in the spirit of the movie Super Size Me, but lasting not a month, but 16 years.
Want to guess what happens to your body if you do the same, asks Popular Science?
A 31-year-old woman from Monaco was admitted to hospital with complaints of arrhythmia and intermittent loss of consciousness. The level of potassium in her body turned out to be terribly low (2.4 mmol/L, given that for a woman of her age this value should be twice as high), but despite these symptoms, the woman has no relatives who suffer from heart. However, further research revealed a shocking fact – for 16 years, the woman did not drink a single drop of water.
Instead, she only consumed Coca-Cola.
Apparently, the first thing the doctors did was tell her to stop drinking the popular soft drink, after which they wrote a scientific report on the case.
It turned out that it was an incredible decision, according to which the woman only drank Coca-Cola. But not like the McDonald’s experiment from Super Size Me, but like a way of life. And not for a month, but for many years.
Of course, after the woman was forced to stop with the carbonated drink, the body gradually began to recover. Within a week, the potassium level went up, and the heart rate began to normalize. The woman’s case was presented at a health conference in Europe.
Do you quench your thirst with Coca-Cola?