Get to know your body in a new way!

Get to know your body in a new way

Get to know your body in a new way

Get to know your body in a new way!

Do you want to really know what your weight is and what exactly it consists of?

Do you accept that your biological age may be different from the one on your ID card? Or that a visibly thin person can unexpectedly turn out to be the owner of a huge amount of fat?

The bio impulse analyzer “Tanita” is the most accurate and reliable method for measuring body structure.

With it you can get detailed information about:

  • Weight
  • Amount of total fat
  • Amount of muscles
  • Bone weight
  • Water content
  • Basal metabolism
  • Biological (metabolic) age
  • Visceral (internal) fat

The measurement takes only a few minutes and is completely harmless and safe, but due to possible deviations in accuracy it is not performed on people with heart bypass and pregnant women. Please also note that it is done with bare feet (no socks or pantyhose).

Call for a free consultation and measurement now! Invite your friends with whom you feel comfortable (spaces are limited, please everyone register. You will learn stories and meet people who have overcome their problems.


  • You will make sense of your individual nutrition and fitness goals;
  • You will improve your motivation for a healthy and active lifestyle;
  • You will be able to plan your diet and physical activity more effectively;
  • If you’re on a diet, measuring your body composition will help you track your progress and see if you’re on track.

The measurement and analysis will be completely free and without any commitment to buy/pay for products or services.

Sign up now for free measurement and analysis!

Tanita Analisys

Tanita Analisys

Elmo Club

Elmo Club

Sign up now for free measurement and analysis!

About LZ3AI

Healthy Nutrition and Active Lifestyle Trainer

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