The School Year Begins
September begins with smiles and good mood and the healthy school year </span > at Club Galanto
If health depended on the number of likes and shares on Facebook, many of our friends there would be the HEALTHIEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. But usually it is they who have problems with weight, with joints, with the heart and what not… But do they click, click…
I have ONE GOOD and ONE BAD news for them.
I’ll start with the BAD news:
Your health is in no way dependent on what you like and share on Facebook. Clicking on icons and texts has not helped anyone so far.
And since we are positive people, let’s emphasize the GOOD news:
YOU CAN! You have to really ask for it and TAKE some REAL ACTION towards it.
We also have a specific offer for you: from September 20 (Wednesday, evening, after working hours) we are starting the FIRST GROUP for the academic year on healthy eating.
The ACTION required of you is simply to call us to arrange an appointment at our club where we will answer all your questions. Galya: 0888153150, gali@galanto.com or Tony: 0889920930, tony@galanto.com.
Do not hesitate – places are limited and we would never compromise the quality of training at the expense of the number of people.