Arc Back Attacks
The change of season is a great time to create new habits and routines. Quarantine objectively reduces our activity, but this should not be an excuse for us, but an incentive for our own decisions.
Why not try this series of exercises that can be done anywhere? This is the perfect exercise for people with busy schedules. You can do it as many times as you want, making it easy to fit a quick session into your daily routine.
Best of all, our intense bodyweight circuit training requires zero special equipment. So grab your water bottle or Thermojetix tea and let’s get started!
Perform each exercise for 45-60 seconds and do not rest in between. After completing the entire cycle (all five exercises), rest for two minutes and repeat.
1. Arc Back Attacks
Good for: torso, legs, glutes, abs
- Stand with legs together, hands overhead
- Step your right foot back into a deep lunge, arching your body back, feeling the stretch in your abdominal area and right thigh.
- Bring your leg back as you return to starting position, then repeat on the other side

Spin Back Attacks
2. Spin Back Attacks
Good for: torso, legs, glutes, abs
- Stand with legs together, hands overhead
- Step right foot back into deep lunge
- Reach down with the right arm, feeling the stretch in the right lateral abdominal muscle, and raise the left arm as high as possible.
- Bring your arm back as you return to starting position, then repeat on the other side

Plank with forward and lateral extension
3. Plank with stretching forward and to the side
Good for: whole body, balance
- Start in a plank position, elbows on the floor, stomach tucked in
- Shift your weight to your left arm as you raise your right arm to face level and reach forward – at the same time activate your calf by pushing off with your toes
- Return your right arm to the starting position and repeat, this time extending your right arm to the side
- Return to starting position and work on the opposite side

Prison Squats with Hold
4. “Prison” squats with hold
Good for: lower body
- Stand feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart, align hips over knees and knees over ankles
- Open your chest by slightly relaxing your hands behind your head
- Squat as deep as you can while keeping your upper body straight
- Hold the position using your torso and body weight for as long as you can (60 seconds is a great goal) before lifting your heels off the ground.

Facerests “Spider”
5. Face stops “Spider”
Good for: whole body, chest, back and torso
- Stand in a plank with straight arms
- Lower your torso and as your elbows bend to the sides, bring your left knee toward your left elbow
- Raise the arms to a full plank; return the left foot
- Repeat on the right side