The School Year Begins

September begins with smiles and good mood and the healthy school year </span > at Club Galanto ACTION! If health depended on the number of likes and shares on Facebook, many of our friends there would be the HEALTHIEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. But usually it is they who…

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Ikigai – “the reason for being”

Икигаи е термин от японската философия за дълъг живот. Най-общо икигаи означава „причината да бъдеш“. Икигаи прави живота на човек стойностен и полезен, а самия него – щастлив. Без значение дали го разбира или не, всеки човек има свой собствен „икигаи“. Но не всеки го е достигнал. Голяма част от…

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Anton Ivanov

I’m Tony, and I’m an Olympic weightlifter. I have tried all kinds of ways, the results were always short-lived. At one point, I already resigned, I decided that as a colonel I should weigh myself in place (at that time I was a colonel in the General Staff, 48 years…

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Galina Mihaylova

I am Gali. Here is my story. I am an accountant by profession. A responsible and at the same time very demanding profession. I was a partner and manager in an accounting firm. And I still didn’t have time. Tension and stress, working 12 hour days, large amounts of coffee,…

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