Do You Think that in 15 Years Bulgarian Women Will Be the Fattest in Europe?

Do you think that in 15 years Bulgarian women will be the fattest in Europe?

Do you think that within 15 years Bulgarian women will be the fattest in Europe?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), within 15 years Bulgarian women will be the fattest in Europe (together with Belgian women).

In my opinion, the WHO does not know Bulgarian women at all.

The Bulgarian woman, when she gets busy, can lift mountains!

The bad thing is that with the same energy and advice he does not accept.

Therefore, I will approach diplomatically – let him look our history (not of Bulgaria, but of Galya and Tony) and decide for herself whether it is better to call us – we will gladly and in a fun way help her. And not only to the Bulgarian woman, but to her beloved person next to her. Who usually has an even greater need, but will never admit it.

Otherwise, the problem is for the whole of Europe – obesity under the age of 15 will become a pandemic (well, not infectious, but perhaps even more dangerous).

This problem is rooted in the upbringing of children, so it will manifest itself after years. Very rarely in kindergartens and nurseries you can see fat children, because they eat at least regularly, in small portions and do not have tablets and computers – they play all day. But when parents take over, things turn around. To have peace of mind, often even while eating, children have tablets.

In order to help children, parents must first change their eating habits. Tablets aren’t the only obstacle. They need culture and education in nutrition and sometimes quite a big change in lifestyle. From a young age, children should know basic things – when what and how much they should eat, how much water to drink and other such simple things.

“Genetic burden” in its main part has nothing to do with genetics, simply the way of life of our parents is passed on to the children, as well as ours – to ours. In order not to allow “genetic burden” in our children, we must change our way of life.

But for children to learn, parents must be dedicated. At least in the basics. Many parents, in the process of counseling, remember that their parents once did as we teach them, but who knows why, this thing is forgotten and buried in some dark corner of the mind.

There are no nutrition classes at school yet, and there probably won’t be any soon, unfortunately. So take control into your own hands.

We will help you learn many things about nutrition. At the same time – tested in practice. Padded with many stories that will make it easy for you to remember and apply them.

But you have to do one very simple thing to begin with – visit us so we can tell you what and how we can help you.

Everyone is welcome with us!

About LZ3AI

Healthy Nutrition and Active Lifestyle Trainer

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