To fast or not to fast? That’s not the point
Fasting is a temporary refusal of some foods – meat, dairy products, and a reduction in the amount of others – fish, sweets, alcohol.
Some fast for religious reasons, others because they think it’s healthy, others because it’s fashionable.
Everyone is the master of their own body. He can do whatever he wants to him.
And according to our observations, it does it quite successfully.
There are people who have written volumes about fasting. That’s probably what they do for a living.
I don’t write for a living. I teach people to eat right to be healthy and happy. And according to the results, both my own and theirs, I am doing well. I don’t have much time to write. This is bad for our site’s SEO (ie its popularity). But it’s good, because writing specialists at some point start to believe themselves more than they should and start living in a world of their own, which has little to do with reality. They become more writers than professionals in their field. I prefer to stay professional.
Therefore, I will share only things derived from practice and consistent with elementary logic. Conclusions from our story with Galya and from the stories of our colleagues and clients. I will try to summarize it simply so that everyone can understand me. Without using “fasting” and various other such shop words.
The question is whether to fast or not, and if we do, it should be right.
By eating right with persistence and method, our diseases disappear one by one. The opposite happens with eating mistakes.
Metabolism is a complex process and we don’t need to know it in depth.
But almost everyone drives a car. What would happen if he got into the car in the morning but didn’t have gas, oil or brake fluid? It won’t start, or if it does, it will stop soon. Or it won’t be able to stop when it needs to.
It’s the same with the body. Every morning we must provide him with all the substances he needs for the day. No gaps. Science and our personal practice show that when switching to only plant food, dangerous deficiencies appear – of vitamin B12, proteins, iron, calcium, various hormones, etc. After the third year for sure. But these things overlap and no matter when the moment is, at some point the body screams “I can’t do this anymore!” and the diseases begin…
However, fasting is something useful and its presence in our lives is not accidental.
With it, a significantly larger amount of plant food is taken, containing a lot of carbohydrates and various vitamins and minerals, but at the same time little protein, useful fats and extremely important vitamins.
I can immediately think of several positives and negatives.
And most of them are still “on the scales”.
- Caloric intake can be easily reduced. But an excess of carbohydrates can be abused to satiate hunger.
- Increase fiber intake. But if you neglect or stop drinking water, for example because of the colder temperatures, it can lead to constipation or other ailments. Because all processes in the human body take place in a water environment.
- The stomach is purified and its microflora is restored. But if the typical modern Bulgarian regime of one meal in the evening is maintained, it can lead to ulcers or other diseases related to fasting.
- If we rely on “materials at hand” (what is in the fridge or what we quickly buy from the market), nutrition can turn out to be extremely inadequate and cause hunger, fatigue, lack of something and other unpleasant things.
Fasting can also be dangerous. Even religions exclude certain groups of people from fasting and have certain rules that must be known. It can be dangerous for sick people – with anemia, infectious diseases, digestive problems. Mushrooms are dangerous for pancreatic problems. Fasting is also not recommended for pregnant women. During fasting, there is a deficiency of vitamin B12 and other important micronutrients.
I will simply share what we think is good to keep in mind, and everyone decides for themselves what to do and what not to do.
- Don’t trust what you read on the Internet. On the Internet, anyone can write whatever they want, including me now. So don’t believe what I write, come to our club, we will show you results, introduce you to people who have achieved them, hear their stories and learn from the “first person” how they achieved them. You will make your own decisions – we will only show you the possibilities.
- Plan your menu. Maybe a week ahead is a good time. List all the products you need to stock up on. Focus on those that contain protein (soy, beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas, spinach, chia, hemp seeds, tofu, etc.) and healthy fats (avocado, fish, olives, eggs, etc.). Do not miss products with other important trace elements – iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium, chromium, vitamins, etc.
- Drink clean water. More than usual. Exclude from your menu any carbonated and sweetened drinks, including carbonated water and beer, reduce coffee. These are all diuretics, when taken, a certain amount of water passes and leaves the body without being used.
- Eat often. Maximum every 3-4 hours, 5-6 times a day. At about the same time. This will further improve the metabolism. If you get hungry between meals despite the small intervals, snack on some roasted soybeans or other nuts. If possible, they should be nuts without a lot of fat.
- Carefully enter and exit the fast. Try to make both transitions smooth.
- Also be moderate with alcohol. Not only because of the religious canon. Best to turn it off altogether or have a glass of white wine, no more. It’s the company that sets the mood, not the alcohol. Alcohol totally disrupts the rhythm of metabolism. Going back to the car example, it’s like driving a car with a broken gearbox and a damaged clutch.
What is the conclusion?
All extremes are harmful. Balance is important, but where is the line?
Fasting is beneficial and permissible when done correctly. This means that even when fasting, we take all 114 substances necessary for the human body. It is a kind of detoxification, as we also do in our club, but with it all these substances are present in the menu.
No matter the reasons, if not done correctly, fasting can do more harm than good. If it is done for religious reasons, it is good to strictly follow the recommendations from the canon, they did not appear by chance. If it’s being done because it’s trendy, you’d better give it up from the start or it’ll be hypocrisy. If you are doing it for the purpose of healthy eating or weight loss, contact us, we will teach you how to do it correctly, as it can also be dangerous.
Some of our clients come to us right after fasting. They had high cholesterol and read on the Internet that fasting would reduce it. And they are afraid that after fasting things have gotten worse! Improper fasting has led to this.
And one of the most important things – try to keep the good habits of fasting and do not go back to fast food – hamburgers, fries, sweets.
Outside of fasting, in our opinion, 8-15% of food should be meat, preferably without or with minimal heat treatment. Don’t freak out, we’re not about to chew bloody meat! There are ways. And our ancestors quite successfully used them. I leave it up to you to think and read how. But avoid free improvisations – the process must include the destruction of unwanted parasites and microbes that are naturally present in meats. If you are worried, it is better to compromise on the heat treatment and do not prepare raw meats yourself.
And the easiest – just trust us and come to our club.
We will welcome you with a smile in a pleasant atmosphere and answer all your questions, we will help you change your lifestyle to a healthier and happier one.