3 Thoughts that Make us Fat

3 thoughts that make us fat

3 thoughts that make us fat

The “eat less, move more” formula may not work if we don’t take into account the fine tuning of the body.

  1. Low self-esteem

Excessive demands on oneself overshadows life and affects the waistline. Unscrupulous nutritionists make money by making people feel bad and overly critical of their bodies. As a result, a person caught in this loop spends money on pills, weight loss products, buys all sorts of things that do not work.

A visit to a psychologist’s office can help in this case.

Or getting involved in our community.

  1. Emotional overeating

Food gives a feeling of comfort, especially if it is fatty or sweet.

Therefore, it is common for many in any incomprehensible situation to look for something to chew on. In addition, studies show that women often tend to overeat under stress, and men try to replace boredom with food.

As a result, you overeat the extra brain-pleasing, not body-pleasing calories that transform into fat.

Emotional overeating can be tamed by keeping a food and exercise diary.

  1. Initially the wrong approach to nutrition

Owners of tight bodies earn through social media by selling weight loss programs and products. No matter what their actual action is.

Fitness freaks often urge their followers to stop viewing food as a pleasure and treat it as fuel. Man is not a car. Nutrition is not a simple calorie count. Taste receptors are not given to us by chance and metabolic processes cannot be described either mathematically or physically – the influencing factors are real with an indefinite number and impact.

Already under the road and over the road is full of motivators and influencers, in love with their presentation and themselves and sometimes having no idea what they are talking about so beautifully.

They can inspire you to eat more chicken breasts, even if you hate them.

But if you hate them, how long will this nutritional strategy last? In a week it will be gone as another non-working thing.

Years from now you will “hear” this thought in bold above.

It’s much easier to stick to a balanced diet and a little exercise, specifically considering your personal gastronomic and sports preferences, but this influencer won’t waste their time do. It will tell you general things that might work for you. For a short time. But they may not work. Rather not.

3 thoughts that make us fat are also overcome personally.

The real goal is a smooth, gradual and painless lifestyle change and it should be a goal for both parties and supported by the social environment of the slimmer! If it interferes, the fastest solution is to replace it.

Everyone is welcome with us!

About LZ3AI

Healthy Nutrition and Active Lifestyle Trainer

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