A Frog and Hot Water

A Frog and Hot Water

A Frog and Hot Water

Years ago, an experiment was conducted in American colleges in three stages:

  1. They dropped a frog into a pot of boiling water to see if the frog was smart enough to jump out of it. And she jumped out.
  2. The frog was then placed in a container at room temperature. She was calmly swimming, obviously feeling comfortable.
  3. Finally, they put the vessel on the stove and slowly increased the temperature. The frog continued to swim, apparently not paying attention to what was happening. The water got hotter and hotter. The frog imperceptibly spent its energy adapting to the temperature, and when it could no longer stand the heat, it wanted to run away, but it no longer had the strength.

She didn’t even notice the dangerous situation she was in for a long time.

Frog Works

But that’s exactly how it is with the majority of people.

Maybe it’s the same with you?

Maybe you too exist in your comfort zone? Maybe you too, even if you are troubled by stress, pollution, diseases and allergies, ignore the symptoms or “cover” them with drugs?

Some people with heart problems can’t even do that.

But if you’re reading this, you’re clearly not one of them.

You go around the spiral of your imaginary comfort, now worse, then a little better, and you don’t realize that this is getting worse over the years, and at one point you come to us: “Well, I was fine, but hey, suddenly, what became…”

No, it wasn’t sudden. Your body was “throwing a lot of targets”, but it was easier for you to ignore them.

Why should you wait until you are forced to do it?

We have already helped so many people get out of this spiral and feel healthy and happy, don’t you think we can help you too?

Yes, you have to ask for it.

Real life is outside your comfort zone. You just don’t have anything to compare it to at the moment to make that assessment.

If you think this is the case, please leave a comment – it’s good for people to know they’re not alone in their problems.

Those in need will thank you one day.

And don’t forget that we have a solution for almost all problems!

About LZ3AI

Healthy Nutrition and Active Lifestyle Trainer

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