How Can I Lead an Active Lifestyle if I Don’t Like It?

How can I lead an active lifestyle if I don't like it?

How can I lead an active lifestyle if I don’t like it?

Hardly any of us will admit how lazy he is.

This is not such a sin. Every ordinary person experiences similar, completely normal things – laziness, boredom, fatigue.

I am posting this just for such people. Laziness is something quite hidden. Even in front of us, people rarely share how lazy they are. They prefer to point out some other reason – they are changing windows, they have guests, they don’t have time. They hardly imagine how clear all this is to us, and that only good education keeps us from laughing.

But we let everyone make their own decisions about their own lives.

The push for an active lifestyle has become so ingrained in our daily lives that telling someone you don’t like to run, jump, or do any kind of sport means being looked down upon and made to feel inferior.

Don’t like to do sports?

This does not necessarily mean that you are lazy. Well, I don’t like it either, although yes – I have been quite active in sports. But HST (radio high speed telegraphy – Morse code reception and transmission).

Or maybe you just really don’t love. Don’t be drawn to the gym and sweaty bodies. You don’t understand how some people can spend hours chasing the ball or obsessing over their muscles in the gym mirrors.

And yet you can and should be active and devote at least an hour a day to physical exercise.

I do it. Because I need to be healthy.

Practically all scientific studies “shout” about the need for physical exertion of the body. Its beneficial influence affects the physical, psychological and emotional state both immediately after the sport and in the long term.

In other words, sports are a must.

My desire to be healthy and energetic motivates me to practice it. Worth. And the results are visible. Coupled with nutrition, I’ve been sick for four years now and have the energy for a whole platoon of soldiers (who knows what that’s like).

When a person is motivated, they enjoy what they are doing. Even if he doesn’t particularly like it. At least in the beginning.

And how to do this? Here are six simple ways (who knows others, can add them in a comment):

  1. Keep your workouts as short as possible. Three workouts a week is a good start. An hour, an hour and a half. Longer ones get tedious. Short 7, 12 or 15 minute workouts a day seem much more attractive and quite real. They fit into your daily schedule without a problem. Time cannot be an excuse, and they themselves are carried out without undue tension.
  2. Choose an activity according to your preferences. Try to find an activity that, even with all your dislike for sports, will not make you reject it. Don’t believe the ads. There are no magical results with the use of various fashion systems and appliances. It is better to pedal a bicycle or swim with pleasure than to curse everything in the world while pulling weights in a rocking chair. Or stick electric butterflies on your stomach. Of course, any physical exercise is useful, but those that you do in a good mood and with pleasure are twice as effective.
  3. Take care of your brain. Many people from intellectual labor do not like sports simply because they think it is boring and does not develop their brain. Their ego doesn’t get it. Their brains are used to constantly receiving and processing new information, looking for solutions to problems, working hard and actively. During training, the muscles work harder, and the mind, which is not used to such an attitude, begins to get bored and urges you to finish this tedious activity faster. Try to get the necessary dose of sport with pleasant music, an interesting show, and why not a film for personal development – let the brain move a little!
  4. Don’t set grandiose goals all at once. One might say that the poster with the image of a bodybuilding champion motivates him and that he strives for the same achievements. There’s nothing wrong with that, but more often than not, the complete discrepancy between that poster and the picture in the mirror has the opposite effect: it kills the last hope and motivation. Therefore, set reasonable and achievable goals, ask a specialist about what deadlines are realistically achievable and what of them you can achieve in the foreseeable future. That is, divide your task into actionable steps and set deadlines for each of them. This will instill confidence in you and is very likely to awaken the sports passion and desire for results. And don’t forget that the results are highly individual and not quick, so you don’t get demotivated by their lack the next day.
  5. Be more active in your daily life. For physical development, a gym, a gym, a stadium are not necessary… Try to use something from the surrounding space. Go on foot. Stop using the elevator and escalators – use the stairs to get up and down. Walk in the evening and during your lunch break. Replace short-distance car travel with cycling. It’s not hard, it’s fun – remember this was part of our games once upon a time. If the bus is not expected to arrive soon, go to the next stop – catch it there. With these traffic jams in Sofia lately, it happens that I catch the previous bus at the next stop. My walk to work is comparable in time to my car journey. Try it too!
  6. Start eating healthy. My experience consistently proves that while a person is full, he has neither energy nor desire for sports. Even if he is thin, if he does not eat properly, he still has no energy and desire for sports. However, very soon after starting a healthy and balanced diet, a person is filled with such energy and desire for activity that it sometimes becomes dangerous, especially for older people – the body is not well prepared for such loads.

If you methodically do these six simple things, sport will imperceptibly become an invariable part of your lifestyle.

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About LZ3AI

Healthy Nutrition and Active Lifestyle Trainer

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