What does the scale (not) tell you?

… or why does a number by itself mean nothing?

The scales!

Ah, this scale – the “horror” for most women, and for quite a few men. That device that is capable of spoiling or improving the mood in seconds. However, the scale does not tell you everything and should not be used as the main and only guide for health, beauty and monitoring progress on the way to the desired figure.

Body weight is important when we have to consider various external factors, such as how many kilograms the lift can support, what amount of the prescribed medicine to take, if it is based on personal weight, and the like.

Unfortunately, however, too many people still associate their fitness and good looks solely with the number on the bathroom scale. Or where it is placed (some take it out to the balcony in the winter… let the bastard freeze!).

More often, women are affected, who either under the influence of harmful advice from fashion magazines, or through crookedly imposed stereotypes of “ideal appearance” from some media, build the wrong idea that if they do not weigh X kilograms, they will not be beautiful, no to feel good and may even be the object of ridicule if they do not fit into the “ideal proportions” (there is no such thing, all people cannot be put into one mold).

The culprit for this is the so-called “body mass index” or more commonly known as BMI (Body Mass Index). To calculate this index, it is enough to know your height and weight. However, when the necessary calculations are made and compared to the stated results, it may turn out that your index falls in the “normal” column, and you still have a belly. Or your number is in the “out of range” range, and you’re more athletic and at a healthier body fat percentage than ever. Or you just haven’t grown enough for your weight.

This is because the index in question does not show body composition – how much is muscle, what is fat, etc.

What can’t the “friend” scale tell us?

There is no way the scale can determine your athletic shape and appearance. It is important for active athletes who are preparing for a competition for which they must enter a certain category. And in general – that’s it.

When you step on the scale, the arrow shows you one number. So much. It doesn’t show what’s hidden about it that’s more important – how much of it is fat, like how old your organs are working, water or muscle mass, etc…

It can’t tell us if the weight gained/lost is from muscle or fat, which is actually what determines how we will feel, look, and be healthy.

And is there anything at all that the scales can tell us?

Yes, a lot!

However, if we combine the scales together with other methods of monitoring body parameters, this radically changes the situation.

Tip: when tracking your weight loss, measure circumferences instead of weight – waist, hip, thigh… Weight can vary by two or more kilograms even just within a day and let you know if you are on the right track or not.

Even if you don’t step on a special weight analyzer, if you give us the results of measuring certain laps, we can calculate important things that depend on your diet and lifestyle.

Well, you will have to take one simple step – look us up!

Make an online request, sign up or call us:
Galina Mihailova – +359888153150
Anton Ivanov – +359889920930

About LZ3AI

Healthy Nutrition and Active Lifestyle Trainer

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