12 tricks to change your lifestyle this spring
Haven’t been able to do so yet? Great! Spring is a wonderful time for change and the birth of something new and beautiful.
Here are 12 tricks to change your lifestyle this spring for a better and healthier one.
- Hide your calendar somewhere. Don’t throw it away, just hide it from your sight. For now.
You must have set yourself “big” New Year’s goals that hang like a stone around your neck and you no longer want to see them.
Let’s keep things simple. Big goals are easily achieved if they are broken down into small, easy steps.
Set a goal for each month: aim to learn one new healthy habit per month. The weather is great now – why not start with half-hour walks this month?
- Refresh your connection.
Interpersonal therapy claims that our mood, health and energy depend directly on our relationships with relatives, colleagues, friends. If you manage to improve these relationships, you will feel an immediate therapeutic effect on you.
Make a list (I really love all kinds of lists 😉) where you write down your key relationships and what you want to improve in them.
Yes, I know it depends on both sides. But someone has to make the first move, right? Why can’t it be you? Also, if you think about the blank sheet of paper, it may turn out that some things mainly depend on you.
- Have a preventive medical examination.
I don’t need to tell you that prevention is better than any cure. Therefore, if you have already decided to lead a better and healthier life, you should know what you need to improve, right? A preventive medical examination is a good start.
He can also tell you things that you did not know: it may turn out that your planned diet is contraindicated, the heart is not ready for intense training, and the condition of the joints is such that it is too early to squat, especially with weights.
- Slow down!
From the posters we see exhausted sweaty faces of athletes who claim that “there is no victory without pain”. At first signal, this leads us to training like for the world championship, until failure, around the clock, without a single step back.
Take it easy… relax and enjoy the exercise. Discover the moment of maximum pleasure. You are hardly preparing for the Olympics, you just want to be healthy and shape a beautiful figure. Find your favorite sport or game – rollerblading, tennis or even just a walk in nature – this has at least three advantages: you will get as close as possible to your health goals, you will feel pleasure and you will not need additional motivation.
- Eat beautifully, slowly and with pleasure.
When it comes to nutrition, we tend to focus on diets and calorie counting.
And in most cases, it is enough to eat slowly – that way you will be full before you finish the portion.
Eat beautifully – try to include all colors in your food – carrots, tomatoes, lettuce, cabbage, peppers, beets and anything else with different colors. In this way, you will easily obtain the main phytonutrients that you need for a good metabolism and are extremely useful for our body, even if in very small quantities.
- Avoid packaged and canned foods.
Cooking has changed fundamentally in the last few decades. We used to pick the products from our garden, a large part of them we ate only after washing.
Today, most people prepare their meals from packets of obscure ingredients that they pop in the microwave. No time for complicated things.
But what is the result? Problems with weight, with the digestive system, bad cholesterol in the blood.
And right now there are great things at the farmers markets! Ditch everything packaged from home and shop for fresh, delicious stuff!
- Do some spring cleaning in the kitchen and fridge.
Ditch the convenience foods and canned goods now. They contain preservatives and any other harmful substances that are supposedly in the norm. They are safe in single-use doses, yes… but if we consume them constantly, don’t they accumulate? Metal cans have a special coating that protects them from corrosion, but it is harmful to us. Excessive amounts of preservatives and sodium are linked to cardiovascular disease. Sulfites are a good preservative, but when they accumulate they lead to respiratory diseases.
- Do short intense workouts every day.
High intensity interval training has revolutionized the wellness industry. Such a program can be created for any type of physical activity and in almost any place, not only in the gym and sports fields. It can be improvised even without any appliances at home. They can also be used for running, cycling, strength training, fitness – almost anywhere.
Wouldn’t you be able to find 7 minutes every day for such a workout? Try it, the effect will amaze you!
- Reduce sweets and pasta foods.
I hope there are no more people wondering why I put sweet and pasta foods in one point. This is how I describe simple carbohydrates in a simpler way. Particular attention should be paid to the maximum reduction of white sugar (brown sugar is often only brown because of the dye in it, so it also goes into this reduction).
Carbohydrates generally make up the largest portion of our caloric intake, around 40%. But this includes both fiber and complex carbohydrates (ie fruits, vegetables, etc.). Pasta, sweets and especially white sugar should be reduced to almost zero.
- Keep a food diary.
Here is another very useful healthy habit that can be quickly learned, even with others. No need to wait for it next month, start it now. There are also great smartphone apps that you can use as a diary.
By starting to write down what, when and how much you take in a day, you will surely think seriously and easily understand what you need to change and what is the right decision.
- Enjoy the sunshine.
We don’t see the sun all winter. Most of the time we are confined between four walls and the light of electric lamps and monitors.
It’s spring. Put away your electronic devices and spend more time outdoors and in the sunlight. You will certainly feel a significant surge of health and good mood.
- Beat monotony.
If your workout has become routine and no longer enjoyable, try something new. After all, you do this for health and good mood, right? Look for the pleasure in everything.
Instead of running for a long time, you can play soccer, strength training can add variety to dance classes, and yoga can be a great addition to swimming. Don’t be afraid to change activities and experiment.
The pleasant experience will restore your motivation and desire to change to a healthy and active lifestyle.
It’s easy! Enroll in our online challenge course and in less than a month you will learn everything you need to make a subtle change in half an hour a day.