Your Guide to Holiday Fitness

Your Guide to Holiday Fitness

Your Holiday Fitness Guide

The holiday season is here and for many of us that means pampering and quality time on the sofa. Even if you’ve worked hard to maintain your workout throughout the year, you may need some extra motivation to keep going during the holidays. Here are our top tips for staying active in between sets of sitting on the couch:

Keep notes

On holidays, normal practices are disrupted. So, schedule continuous intervals of exercise time into your diary!

Be social

The holiday season often means gatherings with family and friends. Why not get closer by going to a class together, while walking or running, and why not plan group activities like cycling or dancing?

Think strategically

A major binge coming up? Plan a workout ahead of time to compensate for any. As a bonus, coming back from a great workout can put you in a better frame of mind to make healthy choices.


Now is the perfect time to mix up your workout regimen. Google some quick bursts of intense workouts you can do anywhere, or create your own. Swim if you usually go to the gym. Or try something completely different – you might discover a new passion.

Look forward

Take this time to set new goals related to your health and exercise and think about how you want to challenge yourself in the future. Make sure it’s something specific and realistic. And don’t forget to appreciate how far you’ve come!

Your guide to holiday fitness isn’t complete, but you can have our personal trainer by your side to help and support you through it all! If you don’t have one – registration takes minutes.

About LZ3AI

Healthy Nutrition and Active Lifestyle Trainer

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