Healthy Nutrition and Active Lifestyle Trainer

How to sleep?

Eat right, sleep well. Few things make us feel as good as waking up – rested and energized after a great night’s sleep. But for many of us, this is difficult to achieve. Many factors can affect the quality of sleep, but let’s look at the role of food choices…

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Thinking of Trying a Diet?

Instead, make a few small changes. When the 1st of the month rolls around, it means it’s time to find that old list of diet resolutions you made last year (or last year?) and vow to tackle them again. We often struggle because our to-do list is too long. We…

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How to Help our Skin this Winter?

Cold weather, heating and overeating can take their toll on the condition and appearance of your skin during the winter season. So, here’s a little reminder about the golden rules for happy skin this winter: Golden rule 1: Moisturize your skin Make sure you use a great facial moisturizer every…

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Nordic Walking

How to improve your health and shape without shortness of breath and muscle pain Nordic walking is called quite natural walking with the help of special poles resembling ski poles. It is also known as Nordic or Nordic walking. Although natural, Nordic walking is not named so by chance. It…

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