Simple about Probiotics and Fiber

Probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, fibres, ballast substances, cellulose… A bit confusing, isn’t it? I’ll try to make it clear. However, these are things that are not taught in school, but we encounter them every day and even from day to day – more and more often. Ballasts are also called fibers…

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25 years of drinking soda and saying it helps?

I’m sure you’ve come across an ad where you’ve heard this “mocking” expression in an ironic tone. For an antacid medicine. Or to make it sound “more fashionable” – against acid reflux. Or more scientifically: against gastroesophageal reflux. To be honest, soda always helps. But pharmacists also feed children. I’m…

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Traditions should be followed, but if you’re tired of stuffed Saint Nicolas carps, why not try something different? The coast between Marseille and Saint-Tropez is home to the most famous fish soup “Bouillabes“. Only here is it really prepared, say the fishermen. Everything else is a poor imitation – it…

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Healthy pancakes

Products for about 11-12 pancakes: about 2 eggs; about 3 cups (tea – 200-250 ml) of water; about 2 cups (tea cups – 200-250 ml) of flour (about 1/3 of which is whole wheat or spelled); about 1 pinch of potassium salt or whatever you have; about 1 spoon of…

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