Does water help us lose weight?

Some say “Yes, it is!”. Others claim the exact opposite, even “No, it’s harmful!”. What is the truth? Statistics say: “Yes, water helps a person lose weight”. Many experiments and studies have been conducted. For example, more than 100 overweight women participated in this Stanford study. The scientists selected those…

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Falafel with Tahini and Yogurt

This delicious variation and our family favorite is proof that falafel doesn’t have to be difficult to make! The addition of Formula 3 Custom Protein Powder, Beta heart® and Herbalife Roasted Soy Beans make these lightly spicy falafels perfect served cold in fall lunch boxes or hot as part of…

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Thinking of Trying a Diet?

Instead, make a few small changes. When the 1st of the month rolls around, it means it’s time to find that old list of diet resolutions you made last year (or last year?) and vow to tackle them again. We often struggle because our to-do list is too long. We…

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Tropic Coconut Mousse

Treat your taste buds to this delicious tropical dessert bursting with the flavors of summer! It is low in fat, high in protein and quick to prepare. Enjoy it with seasonal fruit or on its own in a bowl and with a spoon! Ingredients (For 4 servings of Tropic Coconut…

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