25 years of drinking soda and saying it helps?
I’m sure you’ve come across an ad where you’ve heard this “mocking” expression in an ironic tone. For an antacid medicine. Or to make it sound “more fashionable” – against acid reflux. Or more scientifically: against gastroesophageal reflux. To be honest, soda always helps. But pharmacists also feed children. I’m…
What are the symptoms of drinking too little water?
For Eight Years, I Haven’t Had a Single Flu or Other Illness
Traditions should be followed, but if you’re tired of stuffed Saint Nicolas carps, why not try something different? The coast between Marseille and Saint-Tropez is home to the most famous fish soup “Bouillabes“. Only here is it really prepared, say the fishermen. Everything else is a poor imitation – it…
Healthy pancakes
What does the scale (not) tell you?
5 Chair Workouts to Try at Home
How to create a healthy living plan
When it comes to getting fit and healthy, there are many factors that can contribute to your overall sense of well-being. From nutrition and rest, to stress levels, work commitments, your genes and more, these are just some of the many things that can affect your personal results. Getting healthier…